"I go around some street corners and have an idea in my head as clear as a picture. I like the cut-out I’m moving around in, slowly, toward change. Some things just wait for me to stop defending myself."--Kark Krolow

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I can easily enough detect where my plans for greatness, (usually inspired by the New Year), have fallen apart by the large gaps in my journals. I used to have no problem whatsoever writing about my discontent with anything and everything, but I suppose that routine grew tired and old and I finally realized it delivered zero advantages to the cause. I'd rather write about progress instead of stagnancy. Writing about stagnancy only anchors you there. And There is boring.

I'm not going to wait until the New Year to get excited about new beginnings. I'll jump the gun and start now. Why not?

Things I'm Really Excited About/A list of things to revisit as a reminder:
  1. I'm going to walk up and down all the 650 staircases in Seattle and write something about all of them, take pictures, and leave something behind. (link)
  2. My advanced prose class, sign language class, not so much my Shakespeare class, but I'm willing to be (or not to be) open minded about it.
  3. Cold weather & everything that comes with it: hoodies, peacoats, heavy blankets, using my morning coffee as a hand warmer, snugger snuggles, exhaling white clouds, soup!, knitting hats & mittens!
  4. Moving to Ballard and having a lot more privacy than my current living situation. Getting acquainted with the neighborhood and reclaiming a portion of my anonymity.
  5. Playing catch in the park with Braatzie.
  6. Watching Gabe grow up into a respectable young man-cat.
  7. Conquering NaNoWriMo!!!!!!! (link)
  8. Becoming a stronger swimmer, runner and breaking into rock climbing!
  9. Covering stupid pop songs on my ukulele.
  10. Writing more!
Exclamations marks!!!!!!

And to conclude this post, here are some ducklings in a sink: